E3 2016: FIFA 17’s New Story Mode Called ‘The Journey’

Today during the Electronic Arts press conference they showed off FIFA 17 and also that it will have a new story mode called “The Journey.”

FIFA 17 - The Journey - Official Trailer

You will be playing as one single player, Alex Hunter, at one of the 20 English Premier League clubs.

The trailer (above) shows Hunter making his way up in the sport of soccer on his way to the Premier League. The trailer also shows the ups and downs that might come with getting the opportunity of a lifetime as well. It seems that the single player will unfold much like the single player does in the NBA 2K series. There’s no option to play as any other players other than Hunter, and it is strictly a single-player only campaign. It will be interesting to see how fans of the series react to this once the game comes out.

It was also announced that there will be Premier League managers in the game for the first time. There will be a total of four managers in FIFA 17, including Arsenal’s Arsène Wenger and Manchester United’s Jose Mourinho.

FIFA 17 is set to release on PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC on September 29 of this year.

Source: EA Play E3 Press Conference

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