E3 2016: Gwent from The Witcher 3 Expanding Into Standalone Game

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game will be the standalone title taking the popular card game Gwent from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It was announced at Microsoft’s press briefing and will feature its own single player campaign.

It was revealed that the popular card game will also feature four factions, each one representing races from the RPG series it is derived from. For those who didn’t play Gwent, it involves three lanes and each player can place monsters on a specific one, adding a level of strategy about where to place a card and when to use it.

If you want to play Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, you can play the closed beta in September 2016. If you go to PlayGwent.com you can register for the beta which will be available for both Xbox One and PC. No word on an official release date was made, but you can probably expect 2017 if the closed beta is in September.

Follow along with our coverage of Microsoft’s conference to find out more about the future of Xbox One and Windows 10. You can follow our live recap right here, and then stay tuned to BagoGames all E3 2016 for more information on Microsoft’s products.

Source: Microsoft E3 Press Conference

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