E3 2016: Horizon: Zero Dawn Gameplay Debuts

Tonight during the Sony press conference we got to see a game demo for the newest IP from Guerrilla Games, Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Horizon is a post-post-apocalyptic game were humans encounter robot creatures which roam the land.

In this game play demo we see the protagonist Aloy as she had to sneak around, her hunting abilities and what the game has in story for dialogue choices as she talked to an NPC in game. The NPC speaks of one of the creatures as a “demon,” which makes it seem like these humans don’t know that these creature are robotic, assuming they are not living at all as robots don’t live. We see some of the different weapons she has at her disposal for taking on some of the different robotic creatures as well. There is also a very small hint at the main story for the game as there was a corrupted robot that was infecting some of the other creatures.

Not much is know about Horizon still, but we are sure to learn a lot more as E3 pushes on and in the next few months as the game is scheduled for release on Februrary 28, 2017 on the PlayStation 4.

Source: Sony Press Conference

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