E3 2016: Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV News Revealed

E3 is going strong and some news that has come out of it is that Square Enix’s Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV will be releasing this fall, but before that it will be in select theaters on August 19.

Square also dropped a few bombs with a new trailer for Kingsglaive, along with a making of video that shows the movie off as well as a handful of the actors doing mo-cap stunts and fighting for the movie. Some of the voice actors that will be in the film you might know, such as Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) and Sean Bean and Lena Headey (both from Game of Thrones). The video below shows off the making of, while the one above is the actual trailer itself.

The kingdom of Lucis is the home of the sacred Crystal, and the empire of Niflheim is looking to steal it. King Regis of Lucis (Sean Bean) commands an elite army called the Kingsglaive. Nyx (Aaron Paul) and his fellow soldiers fight to protect Lucis. As the overwhelming military might of the empire bears down on them, King Regis is faced with no other choice but to marry his son, Prince Noctis, to Princess Lunafreya of Tenebrae (Lena Headey), captive of Niflheim. Although the king concedes, it becomes clear that the empire will stop at nothing to achieve their ultimate goals, with only the Kingsglaive standing between them and taking over the world.

Kingsglaive is being made by Stage 6 Films with Vertical Entertainment and Square Enix. Though there is no actual release date yet for the movie to come to store shelves on Blu-Ray and DVD, other than some time this fall, most likely it will release about the same time that Final Fantasy XV comes out on September 30.

Source: IGN

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