E3 2016: New God of War Is Coming

Sony opens their E3 press conference with a live orchestral concert featuring the music of God of War.

Their first trailer runs shy of ten minutes and was a live demo that reveals some of the new God of War story, visuals and setting.


Featuring Kratos and his young son, the two of them are off on a special day: the boy’s first time leading a hunt. The boy’s face is scared heavily, revealing the harsh and cruel world he lives in. Viewers quickly learn how survival is based on strength and fighting skills are paramount for living until the next sunrise.

Kratos issues the boy with a task to hunt his first deer. During their short journey, he repeatedly reminds the young hunter that his own mother taught him and to use those skills. Suddenly the pair are attacked and with the great skill of Kratos, they continue on their way to hunt the deer the boy let slip away. And then a great and angry troll bursts from underneath a bridge and attacks. Within these short minutes we see the somewhat unfeeling angry of the father becoming frustrated his son is delaying his fighting skills to kill until the trailer’s end.

When Kratos hesitates from praising his son for completing the hunt and instead states how his beginning is now in the making, we can finally see his fatherly compassion come through. The new God of War is currently in development by Sony Santa Monica Studio for the PS4.

Source: Sony E3 Conference

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