EA Wins The Consumerist’s ‘Worst Company in America’ Title Again

The Consumerist had a poll last year to determine which company was the worst in America was and the people deemed EA worthy of the title, due in large part to the outcry over Mass Effect 3. This year, the poll was held again and, lo and behold, EA has won the title again, making them back-to-back winners.

“Following last year’s surprise Worst Company In America victory by Electronic Arts, there was hope that the video game giant would get the message: Stop treating your customers like human piggy banks, and don’t put out so many incomplete and/or broken games with the intent of getting your customers to pay extra for what they should have received in the first place. And yet, here we are again, with EA becoming the first company to ever win a second Golden Poo from Consumerist readers.”

The Consumerist’s Worst Company in America poll cites EA as failing time and time again at three core requirements: Provide a product people want and like, Sell your product at a reasonable price, and Support the products you sell. They went even further and stated that the apology letter from Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore was what, in the end, ‘sealed the deal.’

EA won the title this year by once again beating Bank of America. The company had accumulated at least 78% of the vote.

{Source: The Consumerist}


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