Easy Face Import With The WWE 2K16 Creation Studio App

Last year, one of the big new features in WWE 2K15 was the ability to import your own face and logos into the game. This was done by using a computer to upload the image to 2K Games’ servers via the WWE.2K.com Logo Manager. To ease this process in WWE 2K16, 2K Games will release an app called WWE 2K16 Creation Studio. Gamers will be able to take photos with their IOS or Android device and upload them directly to the game servers. They wait there until you download them to your console and use the photos in the game itself. You can create a wrestler with a unique face, or use logos on your very own creations such as arenas or in-ring gear. If you are interested at a sneak peak on how it will work, you can check it out here.

A cryptic Austin 3:14 video was also released in tandem with the app announcement. In it we can see Stone Cold Steve Austin tell a snake to quit acting like a cry baby. A link to the Creation Studio app is then given at the end.

The Creation Studio app will be released sometime after the launch of WWE 2K16 on October 27th in North America, October 29th in Australia, and October 30th in Europe.

2K Games (via website)

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