Eidos-Montreal Founder Resigns

Stephane D’Astous, Eidos-Montreal founder and GM of the company, has resigned.

In a statement to Develop, D’Astous states that his resignation is due to the ‘irreconcilable differences’ and ‘lack of communication’ between Eidos-Montreal and Square Enix Europe.

“Since last year’s financial short-coming performance of Square Enix Europe, we (HQ London and GM Eidos-Montreal) have had growing and divergent opinions on what needed to be done to correct the situation. The lack of leadership, lack of courage and the lack of communication were so evident, that I wasn’t able to conduct my job correctly. I realized that our differences were irreconcilable, and that the best decision was unfortunately to part ways.”

David Anfossi, who was an executive producer on Deus Ex: Human Revolution, will serve as D’Astous’ replacement.

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