Elite Dangerous Will Finally Arrive on PS4 in 2017

The popular space simulation game, Elite Dangerous, is going to be coming to PlayStation 4 in Q2 2017. The game allows for players to fly in a massively-multiplayer galaxy alongside friends. It was previously available exclusively on Xbox One and PC. PS4 owners will get access to the full game as well as the Horizons season of expansions which includes the ability to cruise along planet surfaces at high speeds in order to find secrets, gather minerals and take down bases.

Players can play as quickly or as slowly as they want, but all have the opportunity to move towards Elite status. This is comprised of completing missions in four different categories – Combat, Trade, Exploration and CQC. But the best part of Elite Dangerous is that you can play by yourself, with friends or strangers, or against people online. The choice is completely up to you.

Other neat features include the ability to customize your ship, purchase newer, larger ones, and even employ crew members to help you out on your space conquest. It is truly a space simulation experience. Complete with a very detailed galaxy to explore.

One notable omission is there is no announcement of PSVR support. While it should never be assumed that a game will get it, Elite Dangerous does have VR support for PC users. This would be a great addition to the VR library for PS4. There is still plenty of time to announce an implementation of PSVR, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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