EU 3DS eShop Charts Shows Game Freak Love

Welcome to another EU 3DS eShop weekly chart round up (we need to think of a shorter name to be honest) where, once again, weekly rankings have moved in all manner of directions as new virtual console titles enter the mix in addition to games which have recently been put on sale.

One series of games which have sold well for the past three weeks however are those developed by Game Freak, the developers behind the Pokemon series who once again have all three of their eShop titles featured highly in the top ten charts:

  1. Pokemon Dream Radar (Previously 3rd)
  2. Luigi’s Mansion 2 (Previously 1st)
  3. Gunman Clive (New Entry)
  4. HarmoKnight (Previously 2nd)
  5. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (No Change)
  6. Pokedex 3D Pro (Previously 4th)
  7. Super Mario Bros. (Previously 10th)
  8. 50 Classic Games 3D (Previously 7th)
  9. Code of Princess (Previously 6th)
  10. Mega Man 3 (New Entry)

[Source: EU Nintendo 3DS eShop]

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