Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture Is Coming To PC

The Chinese Room have confirmed that current PS4 exclusive Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture will be coming to PC.

The Chinese Room announced the news on Twitter yesterday, and it isn’t an April Fools’ joke.

PC players at some point will be able to explore the valley of the empty but quaint looking English village Yaughton. Something horrible has happened to the area, and in this non-linear narrative driven tale, you find out what actually happened to the people that died in the village and why.

Gabriel Leal previously reviewed the game for BagoGames when it came out on PS4. He said the game has “Memorable characters, [an] amazing soundtrack, and [a] unique way of telling a story [which] make[s] it a stand out.”

The Chinese Room have also developed Dear Esther and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, two games that are known for their atmosphere. Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture follows that branch on PS4 and in sometime in the future, PC.

Source: The Chinese Room Twitter (via Game Informer)



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