Fallout 4 Announces DLC, Free Updates, and Mods on PS4

Just three months before its launch, Bethesda is already looking to Fallout 4‘s future – and that future has plenty of DLC, free updates, and even mods for Playstation 4.

Add-ons for the game will be popping up as early as the beginning of next year, though details are scares for now. As with so many of its peers, Fallout 4 will indeed be selling you a season pass – this time going for $30, which Bethesda claims will save you $10.

While Fallout 4 will be unsurprisingly be coming with full mod support for PC and curated selections for Xbox One sometime later, it seems that PlayStation 4 users will be getting those same mods after all, but some time after Xbox One users do. The creation kit, however, won’t hit PC until early 2016.

Lastly, Bethesda says that it wants you to help it decide just what it’ll be adding to the Bostonian Wasteland in the coming months. Like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the studio says it’ll be taking suggestions from its community for Fallout 4′s future additions.

We’ll find out just how big Fallout 4‘s core game is this November 10th when it launches for  PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Until then, take some our advice about what to do while you endure these long, hard weeks ahead.


Via Bethesda

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