Fallout 76 NPC’s Are Stealing Player Weapons

NPC's are causing huge grief in the new Fallout 76 Wastelanders update

Fallout 76 Wastelanders

The Fallout 76 Wastelanders update launched earlier this month, with the promise of adding NPC’s to Appalachia. Though as with many things from Bethesda, it didn’t quite work out as you might imagine. Because as it turns out, those “friendly” NPC’s are thieving bastards.

According to redditor Lizardinosaurus, during a PVE event, he lost a Gatling Gun and 2000 units of 5mm ammo. Where did it go? Apparently into the hands of a NPC, who was more than happy to loot the gun off his corpse and use it himself.

Obviously this is not supposed to happen in Fallout 76. At least, it didn’t use to before the Wastelanders update was added to the game. Upon dying, you would respawn close to where you died. And you could pick up any junk you lost from a brown paper bag.

However, this NPC had somehow looted his corpse in the tiny window before he respawned. Which somehow removed the gun and ammo from his inventory.

Not Unexpected From Fallout 76

Given Fallout 76’s rocky first year, this is not entirely unexpected. Bethesda has proven that with each update they add, there is a high likelihood something will break. Earlier, they’ve had issues with hackers stealing inventories from other players, an issue that was addressed far too late.

A representative from Bethesda did respond to the thread, saying the issue would be investigated. Although how soon we can expect an investigation to be done remains to be seen. Bethesda has yet to publicly address this issue, which seems like a fairly serious issue for players.

I mean, imagine if you went into a fight with some of your best gear, only to have it stolen by the NPC’s that are supposed to support you. And the worst part of all of this is that this had to be specifically programmed into the game. This is more than just a bug or glitch, this seems like intentional behavior put in there.

The game’s already had issues with the new update. Coming across broken NPC’s seems as much a common occurrence as the game breaking in general. So as much as we may have hoped the Wastelanders update would fix a lot of the issues we’ve had, it seems unlikely.

So until Bethesda has given us confirmation the problem is fixed, then you might wanna avoid using your best weapons in PVE events. Cause it seems you never know when Bethesda’s amazing AI decides to pinch it from you.

Source: Eurogamer

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