FIFA 14 Continues To Refuse To Add Female Players

This year we’ve already read about the views of females in the video game industry through the eyes of so many developers and journalists that nobody can disagree that it is a very sensitive subject. We’ve seen from the likes of Bayonetta and Metroid that leading ladies take nothing away from completed games so to not include them is always going to cause some rumbles throughout the industry.

For some time now, FIFA 13 has sold consistently well each week, you only have to look at our UK All-Format Chart posts every Monday to realise that, but one major ‘feature’ which the FIFA series continues to ignore is the inclusion of female players. They do exist EA.

Female players will again, not feature, in EA’s FIFA 14 game and executive producer of EA Canada, David Rutter spoke to Kotaku about just that:
“As a team, we have discussed at length the inclusion of female characters in FIFA, and whilst it’s something that remains on our list of features for consideration as part of our mission statement above, we do not have plans to put female characters into the game this year”.

What are your views on female players in FIFA? Should they be allowed in like everyone else? Let us know your thoughts, views and opinions at our Facebook page!

[Source: Kotaku via GameSpot]

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