Fight Wart Again as Super Mario Bros. 2 Comes to NA This Week

Slowly by surly the Virtual Console service on Nintendo’s next generation console, the Wii U, is adding classic after classic to make sure that you have at least something to play on your new console. We have already seen numerous titles have the new Virtual Console makeover which adds GamePad only-support (play the game without turning your TV on/when someone else is watching TV) as well as save points which allows you to save the game wherever you like.

The next title to receive such a treat is Super Mario Bros. 2, the sequel-to-the-original-that-wasn’t-really-a-sequel-because-we-would-had-found-the-original-sequel-too-hard-so-we-got-this-re-skinned-sequel instead… sequel.

Originally released in 1988 on the Nintendo Entertainment System, the game allows you to take control of either Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool (Peach) or Toad who all have their unique abilities. The game was remastered on the GameBoy Advance in 2001 which saw updated graphics and the inclusion of the 1983 arcade title Mario Bros. as an additional mode.

The game is expected to be released on the 16th May and will cost $4.99, unless you have already purchased the game when you had a Nintendo Wii which means you can get your teeth into save-points and GamePad only-support for $1.

There is currently no news on a European release for the title.

[Source: Gaming Vlog via Nintendo Life]

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