New Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Trailer

With Final Fantasy XIV all wrapped up, Square Enix has released a new trailer to usher in A Realm Reborn. A release date is no where to be found, but alpha-testing will begin soon and a PS3 version is still in the works. Last year Yoichi Wada-san stated that the Final Fantasy series’ reputation was damaged due to the negative reception of XIV. It seems like the team is trying their best to rectify that with A Realm Reborn, as evident from some early gameplay footage of the update.

So what is the storyline in A Realm Reborn? Well, Bahamut was awakened, and decided to destroy the realm of Eorzea. Before Bahamut could destroy everything, Louisoix had just enough power to summon the god of time and space to conveniently transport the heroes into a rift. Eventually those heroes will be re-awakened to forge the future of Eorzea.

What has been shown for A Realm Reborn does look promising, and we will keep you updated on any new information that is revealed for the title.

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