Final Fantasy XIV and Yo-Kai Watch Crossover Happening This Summer

Yo-Kai Watch fever seems like it will never stop its full-court press on the world. The popular franchise from Japan is now infiltrating Final Fantasy XIV in a summer-only event that will see 13 different Yo-Kai appear in the game. On top of this, players will have the opportunity to get unique rewards that can only be received from the event, including Yo-Kai themed minions, weapons and mounts.

All of this seems to be a tie-in to Japan’s release of Yo-Kai Watch 3: Sushi and Yo-Kai Watch 3: Tempura, which both release in Japan in July of this year. Japanese players will be able to get Chocobo and Moogle versions of Yo-Kai in Yo-Kai Watch 3, referred to as “Chocobonyan” and “Mooglenyan”, respectively. This will be exclusive to Japanese 3DS players.

The event had been previously announced last month. More details about the collaboration will come later, but I for one am pretty excited to see Level-5 games infiltrating other popular franchises. The Yo-Kai look especially cute and the Whisper mount pictured above looks far too awesome to pass up. Plus, weapons with Yo-Kai on them sounds like a very unique thing to have in your arsenal and could only result in striking fear in your enemy’s hearts.

This follows news that Yo-Kai Watch 2 will be coming to the US this fall.

Source: Square Enix Press Release

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