Final Fantasy XV Feature Length Film and Anime Series Announced

Square Enix revealed a ton of details about Final Fantasy XV in their Uncovered event Wednesday evening. Included in the announcements were a new feature film and anime series.

Starring Sean Bean as King Regis, Aaron Paul as Nyx, and Lena Headey as Princess Luna, Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV features the story of the three characters facing invasion of the Niflheim Empire and defending the city of Insomnia. To see his son, Noctis, wed Luna (the former princess of Tenebrae, who has fallen captive of Niflheim), he must cede all lands outside of the crown city. Nyx, played by Aaron Paul, in the movie has to battle the machinations of the Niflheim Empire to defend his homeland.

The film will be released before the titular game through download and streaming services. It will also be available in Blu-ray form in the Collector’s Edition. The film is in collaboration with Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Square Enix also announced a free episodic anime series that is adapted from the game called Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV. It delves into the party’s friendship and adventures in the world of the game. The first episode is now available, and every episode can be streamed on YouTube for free.

Final Fantasy XV is scheduled to release on September 30th, 2016 for PS4 and Xbox One. In addition, a new side title and demo, PLATINUM DEMO – FINAL FANTASY XV, is releasing tonight. New trailers for the demo and the game have been released. They also announced the deluxe and collector’s edition for the game as well. Find out more in Christopher Cross’ news article.

Via Press Release

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