Here Are The Five Heroes You’ll Meet in Game of Thrones

Telltale Games is playing their own Game of Thrones this year and now it’s unveiled five folks who’s shoes you may or may not be stepping into very soon.

The first, six-episode season will exclusively focus on the House of Forrester and include five different characters of note as you tread the political minefield that is a George R.R. Martin inspired game. The House of Forrester is itself a banner of House Glover – which is to say it’s a banner of House Glover of the ill-fated Stark House.

Speaking to five different sites, Telltale disclosed each of them. They are:

• Asher Forrester

Talking to GameInformer, Telltale describes Asher as a perpetually “rebellious youth” content with “brawling in taverns, sleeping with whores, and finding ways to raise his father’s ire.”

His life would took a dark turn falling in love with Gwyn Whitehill, the “eldest daughter of his father’s bitter rival.” His father, Lord Forrester, would face a hard choice: go to war, or exile Asher across the Narrow Sea. Lord Forrester chose the latter and Asher remains to this day in Essos living as a “sellsword” trying not to think about the life he left behind.

• Lady Elissa Forrester

Talking to Mashable, Telltale describes Lady Elissa as the matriarch of House Forrester, wed to Lord Gregor following the defeat of the mad king, Aerys Targaryen.

She was born to “a minor Southron House long destroyed by the fall of the Targaryen dynasty and married to Lord Gregor.” She first saw herself as a prisoner at Ironrath, but Gregor was kind to his young wife and she quickly grew to love him. Once their children were born, Lady Elissa embraced her role as the Forrester matriarch and silently swore she’d never see her family destroyed again.”

• Talia Forrester

Talking to GamesRadar, Telltale says Talia is named for Lady Elissa’s mother and is the twin sister of Ethan Forrester. During her fourth pregnancy, Talia dreamed she would give birth a daughter with a “voice like the summer rain.” As fate would have it, she gave birth to a boy.

According to GamesRadar, the infant, Ethan, “wailed for hours – until Lady Forrester entered a second labor, this time birthing a girl. She named the girl Talia, after her own mother – and from then on Ethan hardly ever cried. Her dream came true, for there’s no sound at Ironrath more lovely than that of Talia singing as her brother plays the lute.”

• Mira Forrester

To Polygon, Telltale revealed Mira Forrester, the eldest daughter of House Forrester was sent to learn the ways of the Southron court by her mother. She is the handmaiden to Margaery Tyrell and fond of Ironrath.

Wanting her eldest daughter to learn the ways of a Southron court, Lady Forrester arranged for Mira to serve in Margaery Tyrell’s house and to Mira’s great surprise, she enjoyed attending on Margaery at Highgarden, following her to King’s Landing with enthusiasm.

“Life in the capital has not been easy for Mira,” Telltale describes, and her straightforward Northern ways are described as being “often at odds with the subtleties of court life – but she also has more guile than she realizes.”

• Ethan Forrester

Telltale additionally revealed to Gamespot that Talia’s twin – Ethan Forrester is drawn to educational pursuits but has been thrust into the War of Five Kings. Hailing from House Forrester, third-born son Ethan Forrester is “drawn to pursuits of the mind, particularly music and books.”

According to his biography, Ethan and his twin sister Talia both shared a “great love for the towering trees of Ironrath.” He was young when his house joined the War of the Five Kings, and the war’s end placed him into a role which he was “unprepared for.”

The first episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones, Iron from Ice, is “coming soon” for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Windows/Steam for PC, and iOS.


Via Game InformerMashable, GamesRadar, Polygon, & Gamespot

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