Fortnite to be First Game Running on New Unreal Engine 4

Fittingly, the first game to be created using Epic’s new graphics engine (Unreal Engine 4) will be made by Epic, as well.  Fortnite will be a PC exclusive survival/shooter. Taking place during a zombie apocalypse, players will have to survive by cooperating to scavenge for materials and build a fortress during the day, By night, they’ll have to fend off the undead in their forts.

Fortnite will feature a stylized art style in the vein of Pixar or Dreamworks cartoons, a departure from what most people would usually expect from the developer.  Epic’s design director, Cliff Bleszinski, expressed the company’s desire to try something new, saying in a video interview with X-Play:

“When we first set out to build Fortnite, we wanted to build a game people would look at and say ‘Epic made that?’…we’ve kind of been pigeonholed into a kind of corner where people think we’re making these dude-bro type of games and Fortnite kind of breaks out of that.”

Due to their unveiling of many new details during this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego, a lot of buzz is now surrounding this new project.  Expect it to be one of the most sought-after games announced this year.  No details yet on a release window.


(Via Kotaku)

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