Freedom Planet 2 Announced

Galaxy Trail announced on Christmas Day that Freedom Planet 2 is currently being developed for PC, Mac, Linux, and Wii U.

Freedom Planet 2 will continue its Sega Genesis 16-bit era inspired platforming routes while also slicking up the art style. The developer on the Freedom Planet 2 website states that “Freedom Planet 2 is all about advancing and evolving [their] style into something truly distinguishable, and this should also be reflected in the appearance of the characters.” You can already tell the graphical improvement in this prototype screenshot below.

freedom planet 2 screen
A screenshot from a prototype version of the game. (Freedom Planet 2, Galaxy Trail)

The characters of the original Freedom Planet story have grown as well. Galaxy Trail have said that “it has been several years since the events of the first game, and the girls have undergone formal training in order to strengthen and refine their fighting abilities. They’ve graduated from coincidental world-savers into full-time heroes.” There will also be a flexible difficulty system that is affected by the gold gem collectible (by your choice), which can change your attack power, amount of lives, and more. In addition, for Freedom Planet 2, Galaxy Trail will be adding guard and instant revival mechanics.

Despite the heroes’ efforts of the last game, the world once again is in peril. Due to the Kingdom Stone being destroyed, Merga, a water dragon from “Avalice’s oldest and deadliest war” has been freed from her prison and is now taking vengeance on the three kingdoms. Merga will be voiced by Morgan Berry (Tokyo Ghoul, Dance with Devils, Gangsta!).

Freedom Planet 2 does not have a release date yet, but Galaxy Trail’s goal is to release a beta for the game by mid-2017.

Source: Freedom Planet 2 website and Galaxy Trail Twitter page (via Operation Rainfall)


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