Frostpunk Adds The Automatons, Enters Final Stages

(Automaton Concept Art/Frostpunk - 11 Bit Studios)

(Automaton Concept Art/Frostpunk - 11 Bit Studios)

11 Bit Studios has unveiled The Automatons for their upcoming city-survival game Frostpunk, as well as announcing that the game is entering its final stages of development. The developers have also released a video introducing The Automatons, which you can see above.

Speaking about the game being close to finished, Art Director Przemyslaw Marszal said:

It’s been a long journey, and I’m happy to see Frostpunk reaching its final stages. The game evolved into an unprecedented mixture of survival, city-builder, and society simulator. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be releasing a new gameplay trailer intriguingly named Irreversible, and unveil more details about the game, including the release date.

Frostpunk Automaton
(Frostpunk – 11 Bit Studios)

Frostpunk is set to have a number of features upon release, including:

(Automaton Concept Art/Frostpunk – 11 Bit Studios)

The game is a city-survival game in which heat means life, and every decision comes with a cost. Living among the frozen remnants of Earth, it is up to you to shape society, establishing the laws and customs to ensure survival. Speaking about The Automatons, Mr. Marszal said:

They’re an example of pragmatic and authentic steampunk technology, used to endure cold and ensure humanity’s chances of survival. Of course, automatons are just one of many features you may encounter in your city – there’s plenty more to see in the upcoming trailer! And stay tuned for more developer updates from us about Frostpunk features.

So far, there’s no set release date for the game, although more details are expected over the coming weeks.

Source: 11 Bit Studios Press Release.

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