Future Tomb Raider DLC Will NOT Expand The Single Player Mode

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Tomb Raider has been out for a while now and it’s getting to the stage where a lot of people who purchased the game have completed the original adventure/single/story/whatever name is being used now-mode.

Like most modern-day titles, this is usually the time for developers to consider adding additional quests, levels or even worlds to their titles in order to make a quick buck or two in return for many satisfied gamers. However, it turns out that this is NOT going to be the case for Tomb Raider.

The development team behind Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics, has gone on record by saying it has “no plans” on expanding the games single-player campaign mode. This news comes after Karl Stewart, Crystal Dynamics global brand manager, revealed that all upcoming DLC for the game will be devoted to the multiplayer mode.

Is this something you wanted to hear? Would you rather have additional campaign levels than DLC maps? Whatever your opinion, let us know in the comments below!

[Source: Reddit AMA & Videogamer via Eurogamer]

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