It seems strange that last year Game as a company were nearing the edge of the cliff so to speak as it struggled to keep its finances in check and ended up having to enter administration to shift stock whilst closing numerous stores across the UK and even internationally to survive.
Well now it seems healthier than ever however after it has entered another type of product into its portfolio which now consists of video games, films, tablets, mobile phones and… 3DS eShop download codes.
Similar to what both Microsoft and Sony have been offering for some time now, Nintendo have given Game the exclusive rights to sell the prepaid codes which, when redeemed through the Nintendo eShop (Wii U or 3DS) gives you a digital copy of the game.
“Why should we buy eShop digital codes in person when I can just pay for them with a debit card!?” We hear you cry, well Game are offering (in the UK at least) an additional 25% trade-in value on selected games if you trade them in and then purchase a eShop code in store, giving you that little bit more bang for your buck, or pounds in this case.
Games that are currently being offered vary although some examples are;
- Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate
- Luigi’s Mansion 2
- Nintendo Land
- Mario Kart 7
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
- New Super Mario Bros. 2
Will you be making your way to one of Game’s brick-and-mortar stores to save a little on some digital purchases? Or do you think that going digital is just a waste of time and would rather keep a physical collection of video games? Let us know your opinions on this story at our Facebook page by clicking here!
[Source: Nintendo Life]