Gamers Unscripted Episode 14: Stupid Canadian Internet

Episode 14 of Gamers Unscripted starts off a little rocky as Xiantayne’s crazy Canadian internet brought us to our knees many times. Halfway through the show we find our stride and the conversations shifts towards Evolve, The Order: 1886, PAX East and more. Lots of different voices and opinons on this week’s show, give it a listen!

The Gamers Unscripted (this week) are:

@CapnMikeM (Gamers In Beta)
@GeekWilliam (Geeks FTW)
@MAINEac17 (Gamers In Beta)
@MeefJ (Everyday Gamers)
@PantlessSteve (Press A to Listen)
@Xiantayne (The OMG! Hour)

Gamers Unscripted are on iTunes.

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