Gamers Unscripted Episode 25: The Podcast Killer

On Episode 25 of the Gamers Unscripted podcast, we welcome DeviousMrMatt from The40 Cast back to the show, as well as give a first time welcome to Chris aka GhostGrifter from the Primetime podcast. We kick things of with Chris telling us about taking his daughter to a recent One Direction concert, which leads us to a quick discussion about our kids and their music listening habits. From here we get back on track and talk about games like Rocket League, Batman Arkham Knight, and the recent improvements to The Witcher 3. Whenever Matt is on the show, it flies by, but with the addition of Chris the hour really was just a blur. One of our better episodes in recent memory so give it a listen.

The Gamers Unscripted (this week) are:

@CapnMikeM (Gamers In Beta)
@DeviousMrMatt (The 40Cast)
@GhostGrifter (Primetime)
@PantlessSteve (Press A to Listen)
@Xiantayne (The OMG! Hour)

Gamers Unscripted are on iTunes.

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