Gamers Unscripted: Episode Six

The regular cast of Gamers Unscripted is back for episode six of the podcast. While they go off the rails here and there, the crew does talk about a lot of games in this week’s episode. Some of the highlights include Meefj holding on as the lone member of the panel who still hasn’t upgraded to the current gen and why he is comfortable with this decision. Others talk about how hard it is for them to go back and fire up their 360 or PS3 to play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. For those that have played The Evil Within, they discuss their impressions and if the game is broken or not on the Xbox One. Lastly, all members of the podcast talk about their favorite games of 2014 and what they’re still holding out hope for this year.

The Gamers Unscripted are:

 – CapnMikeM (Gamers in Beta)
 – MeefJ (Everyday Gamers)
 – PantlessSteve (Press A to Listen)
 – Xiantayne (The OMG! Hour)
and joined this week by TheNoyse (Platform Junkies)
Gamers Unscripted are on iTunes.

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