Gamescom 2014: Far Cry 4’s Keys to Kyrat a PS4 Exclusive

Today in Cologne, Germany, it was a battle of exclusives. A feather in the cap for PlayStation 4 owners is the Far Cry 4 exclusive known as the Keys to Kyrat.

This feature will allow those who purchased Far Cry 4 to send out up to 10 invites (otherwise known as Keys) to their PSN friends, even if they don’t own the game.

These invites can be used for two-hour gameplay sessions in the coop missions. During these two hours, players will be able to “explore together”, “capture outposts and create your own stories”. No word was announced if the Keys to Kyrat is a time-exclusive or not.

Far Cry 4 will be released on multiple platforms on November 18.


Source: Polygon

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