GameStop Comment On Wii U Sales Once More

As we move closer to the fifth month anniversary of the Wii U (it was released first in North America on November 18th last year) you can’t help but start to agree with the many retailers out there that the console isn’t doing as great as it could do.

One retailer to speak their mind more often than others is GameStop, although in their latest chat with GamesIndustry, CEO J. Paul Raines had a bit more of a positive statement to give on the companies view of the Wii U console:

“This industry has a lot of cynicism and people love to say stuff isn’t going to work, but we think the Wii U is a real console that’s been disappointing for a couple months, but we think there’s more there when the first-party titles come out. Nintendo’s got a few up their sleeve.”

Talk about a double-edged sword eh? But you can’t help but agree with GameStop, there simply isn’t enough (or any?) new games which are worth picking up other than LEGO City Undercover, released last week for the struggling console.

Hopefully come E3 we’ll have a few titles/services to look forward too…

[Source: GamesIndustry via Nintendo Everything]

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