Gaming as an “Acceptable” Leisure Activity

It’s strange how societal stereotypes can stick. Anyone who reads books must be a humorless nerd who spends all his or her time in the library – there is even the adjective “bookish” to describe someone who is quiet and academically minded. Similarly, the notion of a “gamer” broadly meets one of two categories. It’s either a teenager who spends all his time in a darkened room hunched over a console or an overweight, pizza-eating man in his 30’s with poor hygiene and no friends.

The stereotype of a typical gamer…

Of course, both images are nonsense, and we all know it. For one thing, note the assumed sex – the archetypal gamer is male, despite the fact that numerous surveys have confirmed there are actually more female gamers. For another, gamers are of various ages and backgrounds. That “spotty teenager” image is better suited to the gamers of the 1980’s – and of course, these people are today’s 40-somethings, with teenage kids of their own.

Gaming For All

The truth is, practically everyone loves gaming. The sheer range of games available today, and the platforms on which they can be played, make a nonsense of suggesting you’re “not into gaming.” It’s a little like saying you’re not into television or movies – most likely, you’ve simply not found the type of game that appeals to you, or you didn’t know it existed.

Games exist for everyone!

Those 40-somethings are a great case in point. They might still see gaming as getting down and dirty with Pac Man, Frogger and those other 80’s classics. Not that there’s anything wrong with retro gaming, but today’s industry has something for everyone. Adult players need adult games, and that’s what’s behind the surge in popularity for online casinos. Sites like Online Casino BlueBook provides a great starting point, not only listing the different sites available but also providing tips for beginners on how to get the best online experience.

Multiple Platforms

The other factor that has changed the profile of gaming is the range of platforms that are available. It’s fair to assume that not everyone has the time or inclination to spend hours sitting playing console games, but mobile gaming on smartphones and social gaming via social media apps have a wide appeal and both are great for a little time out from a busy day.

Facebook games can be a great way to unwind…

Facebook games, from traditional challenges like scrabble and chess to the latest fads in the Angry Birds-style genre, provide a degree of stress relief and are also a good way of staying in touch with old friends and enjoying a little competition and fun together.

Getting Everyone Gaming

Whatever the platform and whatever the game, the concept of gaming as a leisure pursuit for anyone and everyone is slowly taking hold. It is worth keeping in mind that the sector is barely 30 years old – when television was at the same stage of evolution in the 1960’s, people were just as unsure about its growing popularity. Give it another few years, and we will be wondering what all the fuss was about.

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