New Gears of War Will Adapt to Your Play Level

Every Gears of War game has brought a lot of new content with each new release.  The newest iteration, Gears of War: Judgement being made jointly by Epic Games and People Can Fly, is set to include some features that will pace the difficulty according to how well you are playing.  The difficulty and number of enemies spawned will vary depending on whether you are excelling or struggling.  It will never get too hard or easy as it will stay within the range of the difficulty you’ve chosen.

The idea behind this is that it will give the campaign greater replayability by making each battle unique.  Another new touch is that rather than focusing on Marcus and Dom, as previous games have, GoW: Judgement will be centered on the duo of Baird and Cole Train. So far, the narrative is shaping up to be really interesting, with Kilo Squad on trial for treason.  Players will play the missions, sometimes in a declassified mode where you see what really happened.  Epic is shooting for a 2013 release so expect to see much more of the new campaign soon.


(Via Kotaku)

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