Goat Simulator’s Waste of Space DLC Trailer is a Thing of Beauty

Goat Simulator continues to be the most baffling, yet endearing game released in recent memory. It’s become a weird cultural phenomenon because of its willingness to poke fun at itself while still being a fairly broken game. Well, now Goat Simulator is going to try to #MakeSpaceGreatAgain with its new DLC coming May 26th, called Waste of Space. The new trailer above pokes fun at a plethora of popular science fiction films but also looks to make fun of crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. All with a really average Arnold Schwarzenegger-impersonator narrating.

(Goat Simulator: Waste of Space, Coffee Stain Studios)

The trailer is a lot of fun though, and accentuates the charm of Goat SimulatorWaste of Space is aiming to have the biggest map the core game has ever seen, along with space combat by the looks of things. It also boasts plenty of planets to visit, “…but seriously it would take forever to go there so why bother. There is one planet nearby though. Go to that one.

(Goat Simulator: Waste of Space, Coffee Stain Studios)

I know a lot of people are probably getting tired of Goat Simulator, as its charm does tend to wear off after a couple minutes of playing. That being said, I still like to check in every now and then, especially when new content comes to the popular game. If this DLC is going to be a satire of science fiction films AND capitalism, then I’m in.

Source: Coffee Stain Studios Press Release

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