Granblue Fantasy Versus Ver. 2.21 Adds Battle Passes and Loot Boxes

Though the latter was technically already here

Granblue Fantasy: Versus_20191025173435

Granblue Fantasy Versus is getting more new content tomorrow, however, it’s not just a new character or stage. The new content comes in the form of a battle pass system and loot boxes in a future update.

Previously, we covered Belial’s release and the start of Season 2 here at BagoGames. If you’d like to read about him and the new season, you can do so right here.

What These Battle Passes and Loot Boxes Are

Going off of a tweet from the English Granblue development team, coming soon, Granblue Fantasy Versus will get a Battle Pass system stylized like Fortnite or Apex Legends. You can view that tweet below.

For those unaware of a Battle Pass, you get progressively rarer rewards the higher your Battle Pass level is. There’s also two versions, a free version, and a Premium version (which usually contains more items on level up). The pricing of the Premium version has not been disclosed at this time.

As for Loot Boxes, you pay a currency to get a series of items at random. Mostly, these are cosmetic. The thing is, loot boxes were TECHNICALLY already in the game, in the game’s usually-forgotten RPG Mode. However, over there, it was in a much more limited quantity (getting items for progression or weapon skins only).

That being said, this game seems like it’s shamelessly monetizing the hell out of itself with practices like these. Like, what purpose does a Battle Pass system serve for a fighting game? Almost none whatsoever. Granblue Fantasy Versus is available now on PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam.

What do you think about the Granblue Fantasy Versus Battle Pass? Do you think it’s necessary? Or do you think there’s no place for this system here? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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