Grand Theft Auto Vita Mentioned In Survey

Another day, another survey leaking the possibility of another triple A title coming to Sony’s handheld device. This is not the first game to be slipped this week in one of there online survey’s and its unlikely after all the hype there getting from it, to be there last.

 “As you’ve bought the PS3 version of the game, you would be able to download the PS Vita version of the game with a discounted price (from the normal price of £29.99).”

The survey raises the question about how much does the consumer think they should have to pay for the Vita title if they already own the PS3 version of the game. Whether they think they should get a discount on it or even possible get the game free.

Also mentioned was would the consumer like to purchase digital versions of the game at a discounted price to the retailers price. This would make sense due to the fact there is no cost in shipping involved.

So its looking like Sony is listening to the consumer in relation to buying games twice for bought systems. But will they see it as a profitable margin. What do you think Viewers? Are you all for cost reduction on cross gaming? Or should it be a one bundle cost price of one? Let us know in the comment section below.

(Via DigitelSpy)

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