Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 Review – 2nd Verse, Same as the First

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2, Arc System Works

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2, Arc System Works

I suppose it is unfair to say that Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 is pretty much the same game as Revelator 1, what with the new additions to the roster, the massive balance changes, and the changes to some mechanics. But since Revelator 2 is a DLC rather than an outright sequel, it’s pretty much the same game Guilty Gear fans have come to know and love.

The resurgence of the Guilty Gear series is always something I recommend to people to try, especially if they like fighting games. It’s a lot more tuned to things western audiences can relate to, and isn’t as out there in anime territory as BlazBlue was. Every chance I get to talk about good fighting game series, Guilty Gear is usually on my list. That doesn’t change with the newest entry/update/DLC. Revelator 2 is certainly an oddball, as it’s technically just a DLC for the original Revelator. However, it changes up enough that it’s being called a sequel. I’m actually kind of glad that Arc System took this direction rather than pumping out another separate sequel I would have to buy. It allows even those that don’t have the DLC to at least get the update for it. While they can’t play the DLC characters, they can still enjoy the game, and it won’t shrink their community. I’m glad to see Arc System take this direction for DLC rather than separate entries like they have done in the past. I think it will really help Guilty Gear be enjoyed by a lot more people and bolster the amount of people that play the game.

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 adds two new characters to the mix, one being the one armed, one eyed, badass samurai Baiken, and the other being Answer, Chipp’s personal assistant. Baiken was pretty much expected to make her way into the game at this point, but Answer was a surprise. Since we already have Chipp in the game, having another ninja was certainly a surprise. I can’t say that I am very drawn to the character, but they both seem to be solid additions nonetheless.

The only additions to the story formula have been an after story, which adds scenes to the original Revelator’s story. It helps to flesh out the characters and gives the story fans something to see in this primarily character and balancing update, and while the story is brief, seeing these characters interact is always a treat.

Arc System’s main reasons for updating is usually for overhauling character moves, gameplay, or additionally mechanics and changes to the system. However, less is certainly more in this case. The characters in the main roster have been re-balanced so that everyone is on an even playing field more than ever before. I always loved fighting games where it isn’t about tiers and more about what characters you enjoy to play. It certainly sucks when a character you think is cool is severely limited in options when compared to other “top tier” characters. Fortunately, the balancing present in Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 brings it all into balance. While I am certain some characters are still better than others, the gap has certainly been thinned, which makes it more fun for everyone.

The game’s online system is back and is certainly still strong. The online is still just as good if not better than before, with most connections I tried with random players being at the most 8 frames, which helps to make it feel like you are fighting the other player and not the connection. Of course, I had some matches that were just unplayable but I doubt that it was the online netcodes fault at all but the other player’s connection.

The sum it all up in a shiny new bow, Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 might not be a new entry in the series, but it doesn’t need to be. It changes the game in all the right ways, adding characters, balancing characters, and making the game more fun overall. The new Guilty Gear games are always a joy to play. Their fast paced gameplay and in your face attitude are awesomely fun and what I appreciate when playing them. This DLC is totally worth purchasing for those that have the original Revelator. Since it’s a standalone package,  it’s totally worth purchasing for anyone looking to get into the game finally and just jump into one of the best playing, best looking, and downright best sounding fighting games of this generation.

A PS4 review copy of Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2 was provided by Arc System Works for the purpose of this review

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