Hearthstone Available on iPad in Select Countries

Hearthstone is technically still in the early release stage but already has 10 million accounts. The digital strategy card game that takes elements from other trading card games, many which are game apps that pay you real money and is playable on Mac and Windows computers is now an app on iPads in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Blizzard, the makers of World of Warcraft, has made Hearthstone free-to-play on PCs. The website states:

“our Hearthstone collection and data is shared across all devices, so if you’re playing from your PC or Mac at home, you won’t miss a beat when you take Hearthstone on the go with the iPad!

Launching Hearthstone in a limited set of countries allows us to focus on the end-to-end player experience and make sure it’s awesome before we move on to the rest of the world. If you don’t live in Australia, Canada, or New Zealand, you don’t have much longer to wait to get your hands on Hearthstone for iPad—Murloc Scout’s honor”

Players in the US and the rest of the world won’t have to wait too long before being able to take our Hearthstone skills on the go. Visit Bagogames for the latest Hearthstone and other gaming news.

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