How to Make Your Epic Gamer Memes Go Viral

Relatability and humor are the key to great memes

how to make epic game memes go viral

In 1994, an American attorney used the term “meme” to describe how fast ideas can spread online.

Nowadays, you can’t scroll through any social media without seeing some kind of meme.

Users share them all the time, but are you still waiting for your golden viral meme moment? It’s time to up the ante on video game memes. Here’s the secret to making legendary gamer memes.

1. Make Memes About Popular Games

Nothing is more popular than COD and its camper vs. sniper feuds….

One way to get your gamer memes recognized and shared is by making them about popular video games or trends. Canva is an easy to use graphic design tool used by many to edit posts, posters, logos, etc.

For example, Minecraft is incredibly popular again. People have been playing that lately, and there are already all kinds of funny memes about it floating around the internet.

In the past, Fortnite was also a great game to make memes about, and there were a lot of opportunities to work with.

If you are part of the gamer community, you should know which ones are popular. If you’re not part of the community but are trying to figure out which games are popular, you can watch popular gamers on YouTube.

Find out what they’re playing, and then use Adobe Spark Post to make your epic gamer memes.

2. Make Sure Your Memes Are Relatable

Every gamer can relate with playing into the wee morning hours…

One great thing that helps memes go viral is when they’re relatable.

For example, if there is a problem with a certain game and know that other users also have that issue, they may find it funny and share it with their friends.

For example, one popular meme makes fun of EA and how they charge extra money to be able to play their games. There are all kinds of memes out there, and they’re popular because gamers all have the same problem.

You can check forums or other YouTube videos to find out what other common problems gamers are having, and then find a way to make it funny.

3. Look at Other Memes

The fry squinting meme has been around for ages…

You shouldn’t copy or steal memes directly from other users, but you can use other memes as inspiration.

Normally there are popular meme templates out there that you can use and customize to be your own unique thing.

When you do create a meme, you should make sure that you put some kind of watermark on it to attribute it to yourself. You wouldn’t want anyone to steal your memes, especially if they go viral.

4. Post Your Memes to Popular Websites

Grumpy cat made all of our lives better. Rest in peace.

Finally, once you have made your popular gamer memes, you need to share it with the rest of the Internet.

Popular places to post memes are on Reddit and Twitter. Do you remember Grumpy Cat? The picture of the cat was originally posted to Reddit and blew up from there.

Most of the time, memes will originate there, and if they are popular enough, they will make their way to other platforms as well.

If you already have a platform with a lot of followers, it may be a good idea to start posting some of your memes there so that more people will see them.

5. Make Some Epic Gamer Memes Today

Will your memes make a splash? Maybe, maybe not.

Gamer memes are some of the funniest memes out there.

Making popular video game memes could also be a way to get more followers on your Twitch or Youtube channel.

So what are you waiting for? Check out our “reviews” section to see what’s hot right now. Then, start your Internet fame by making some memes today!

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