Joe Danger 2 Is Coming To PSN After All

Joe Danger, a side-scrolling racing platformer, originally began as a PlayStation Network exclusive back in the Summer of 2010. It was a hit and subsequently put newbie developer Hello Games on the map. The game was later ported to the Xbox 360 but was already successful enough to warrant a sequel. Said sequel turned up two weeks ago on the XBLA and no sign of a PSN version. Well, loyal Sony JD fans can put their fears to rest. Joe Danger 2: The Movie is coming to PSN, after all.

It’s a quick turnaround, considering the 18 month gap between Joe Danger PS3 and Joe Danger 360; Hello Games are hopeful that the game will be out in “a couple of weeks”. But, to make it up to those seemingly screwed over PS3 fans, Hello are promising “10 hours of extra content”. Said content will go back to focussing on Joe and his trusty bike, rather than the multi-vehicle bouncing around that the sequel tried. No explanation as to how it’ll last 10 hours, but I imagine 8 of them will be spent desperately trying to get each new level fully complete.

But don’t worry, Xbox 360 fans! You won’t be getting screwed over, either! Hopefully. Hello Games are exploring the possibility of patching the bonus content in at a later date, but nothing concrete has been said yet. Still, the important news is that Joe Danger 2: The Movie will be on the PSN Store before year’s end, if nothing else. Unless you’re an EU PSN shopper. In which case, you cross your fingers and pray that it doesn’t end up like Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

Via: Eurogamer, Joystiq

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