Just Cause 3 is Getting a Multiplayer Mod

Just Cause 3 Multiplayer Mod

Just Cause 2 saw a new wave of excitement for the game when a couple of modders took it upon themselves to create a multiplayer mod for the single-player only title. It was later picked up by Avalanche Studios, who recognized it as an official mod and supported its inciting of chaos. Everything was quiet on the multiplayer front for Just Cause 3, until now. The same team behind the Just Cause 2 MP mod is now bringing the same wanton destruction to the third title in the series.

If it’s anything like Just Cause 2‘s multiplayer, which it seems to be very reminiscent of, it will only really allow players to do races. What the developers did to work around that was to make it so players can leave the race track and do whatever they want. As you can see in the trailer, there is virtually no limit on what can be done. As for player count, it doesn’t say anywhere officially, but you could guess around 500 people or more. Naturally, this mod will likely only be available for PC versions of the game. Fingers crossed that Avalanche picks it up as an official mod again.

Source: Just Cause Multiplayer Forums

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