Kid Icarus Uprising Boss Rush Mode

Kid Icarus Uprising Logo

Kid Icarus Uprising soared onto store shelves on March 20th (in North America). Uprising is the first new Kid Icarus game in 21 years. To celebrate the moment many gamers have been waiting years for, we are going to show the game’s first 20 or so bosses (thanks to the Boss Rush mode, which is unlocked after beating the game).

In case the description is too vague, be forewarned that the videos contain major spoilers. Seriously, DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEOS IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANY OF THE BOSSES FROM LATER IN THE GAME!

Kid Icarus Boss Rush Mode pt 1

Kid Icarus Uprising Boss Rush Mode pt 2

Kid Icarus Uprising Boss Rush Mode pt 3

[Videos and Story Via IGN]

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