LB’s Take: My E3 Wishlist

With E3 just around the corner I took some time the other day to sit back, smile, and just be thankful that video games exist.

Sometimes we all get so caught up in the negatives of the video game industry, the endings we didn’t approve of or the elements that disappoint, that we forget to be grateful for what we do have.

Never has there been an interactive form of entertainment such as video games, and those of us old enough to play the mature titles know that the industry has exponentially grown, matured, and advanced just within the last decade.

Which is why E3 is so important; E3 is that time of year where gamers don’t simply gather to socialize and share our interests, but when we get glimpses of where our video games are, and where they are going.

To me it’s almost like getting to know what you’re getting for Christmas, only sometimes it’s a year or two in advance.

Which is why every year just before E3 (and Christmas) I began mentally prioritizing what I am most looking forward to; and while I realize this might set me up for disappointment (like that Christmas I was convinced there would be a puppy under the tree and instead got the tamagotchi version) I still enjoy the excitement, the build up, and the euphoria of learning more about a game my fingers are already itching to play (and hey, maybe one year there will be a puppy).

So without further adue, I give you my E3 wishlist; the games I am most eager to learn about and excited to one day play. (clicking on titles will bring you to official trailers- if available).

10.  Counter Strike: Global Offensive 

When I recently read that Valve’s online first person shooter would be available for play at E3 this year, I seriously considered revisiting my old stomping grounds to get a taste of Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

Now, supposedly Valve won’t be announcing any new games (we shall see…) however Counter Strike: Force was the first person shooter that got me into first person shooters (and I’m on board with anything remotely having to do with Half-Live) so I am more than a little pumped for this game. I am definitely looking forward to some footage of players, as well as video clips.

9. The Elder Scrolls Online

Considering what a huge fan I am of the entire Elder Scrolls franchise, it’s surprising (even to me) that Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls Online finds itself so low on my list. To be frank, I am thrilled, but one of my favorite things about the entire The Elder Scrolls experience is each game’s irresistably engrossing ability to immerse the player (which, to me, is a critical element of the entire open-world RPG foundation). The Elder Scrolls Online is number nine because I feel that adapting that immersable quality to online gameplay is an extremely difficult challenge, one that I’m sure Bethesda and Zenimax Studios can absolutely accomplish, but which makes me wary of the entire concept.

8. Halo 4

The eighth in the Halo series, 343 and Bungie’s Halo 4 will both bring back Master Chief and begin an entirely new trilogy focused more on solving mysteries and discovering new things.

When my friends and I simultaneously heard the news of such a Halo, there was a literal breath of relief followed by the excited jabbering of intricate theories and hopeful concepts.

Leaked videos and multiplayer beta aside, I am excited for any news on this soon to be released Halo installement (Halo 4 will be available November 6, 2012).

7. Assassin’s Creed III

As a history and technology nerd, I was ecstatic with the release of Assasin’s Creed; and over the last several years Ubisoft has managed to take a ground breaking, fantastic story and expand it to several worthwhile and enjoyrable sequels which I’m sure Assassin’s Creed III will live up to- especially when considering that Assassin’s Creed III will be set in Colonial America and feature the American Revolution; one can’t help but hope that we may all soon be playing the best Assassin’s Creed yet.

6. The Last of Us 

Having recently played I Am Alive, and being a huge fan of any post-apocalytipc storyline, I was instantly drawn to the third person survival action adventure that is The Last of Us.

I’m excited to see what Naughty Dog has to show about The Last of Us; it’s trailers have been well received and exciting, however their desperation to avoid the title “zombie-game” leave many wondering what The Last of Us believes itself to me (especially when trailers have featured enemies with strange, fungus growths and other mentions of “deadly fungus”).

Hopefully The Last of Us will prove itself as compelling as it’s trailers, and not go the route of Dead Island (a great game in itself, but grossly misrepresented in it’s trailers).

5. Resident Evil 6

I love Ashley. There, I said it. She reminds me of my little sister and I like that she exists in one of my favorite series of all time.

Capcom’s original Resident Evil changed my perception of horror games, Resident Evil 4 made me love horror games (and also the Wii for a period of time), and I have beaten Resident Evil 5 so many times it’s downright embarrassing (completed all levels on A rating and unlocked all outfits for Sheva, even that racist one). I’ve even played (and loved) some of their terrible sequels and films.

So a game that brings all this together in Racoon City? Yeah, I’m there.

4. Dead Space 3

Electronic Arts somewhat still mysterious Dead Space 3 has a lot of possibility when it comes to reveals at E3. Plenty of rumors circle the internet, but there is a surprising lack of real information considering well, you know, internet and hackers and such.

Coming from someone who loved Dead Space but merely liked Dead Space 2, I feel Dead Space 3 has a lot to live up to and make up for within it’s own series. It will definitely be interesting to see which way the trilogy’s third installment goes.

3. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

I realize most people probably won’t appreciate how high this PS Vita game is on my list, but give me a chance to explain myself.

Sly Cooper, with Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, were the characters that opened the doors to the person I have become. Seriously. Without them I would have never been interested in gaming, would never considered I had the skills to play, or that games could be something fun. My younger siblings and I bonded over Sly Cooper and a Playstation 2, then moved backwards (it was what we could afford) to Link, Zelda, Mario, and an SNES.

Without Sly Cooper, Murphy, and Carmelita Fox it’s possible a huge part of my life now would never have existed. So thank you Sucker Punch, thank you Sly Cooper, and thank you Sanzaru games for creating a sequel that, at the very least, will bring back some small happinesses from my childhood. I don’t own a Vita, but I’m buying one for this game; that’s why Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is my number 3.

2. Dishonored


Possibly the first neo-victorian/steampunk stealth first person action game ever, Dishonored boasts an impressive pedigree and appearance.

Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Studios autumn release (set for October 2012) features an exciting, original concept to say the least and has provoked both high interest and a little confusion. For myself, Dishonored looks to be the most unique, creative and original game at E3 this year; and if the video game industry has taught me anything it’s that to be unusual and creative is never negative. I eagerly await this game, and in the meantime can barely stay sated with the four minute trailer that any action/adventure/science fiction/steampunk/etc. fan must see.

1. Tomb Raider

Square Enix and Crystal Dynamic’s reimagined Lara Croft in the upcoming Tomb Raider is nothing if not highly anticipated.

Completely revamping Lara Croft- her origin story, her personality, even her appearance- Tomb Raider sets a high bar at recreating possibly the most iconic female hero in video games.

For many (this lady included) the original Lara Croft will always have a special place in any Tomb Raider enthusiast’s heart; however I would be lying if I didn’t say I can’t remember the last time I was so eagerly anticipating anything about a game (not even the game itself necessarily).

To be released in 2013, Tomb Raider promises to be a popular game at E3 again this year, and the one game that everyone seems to have an opinion, expectation and opinion of.

With so many amazing games at E3 it’s extremely difficult to make a list like this, not to mention much more personal and particular than was expected!

What are you looking forward to? What are you hoping from E3? Tell us about it!

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