Leaked Video Shows Some of the PlayStation 4’s Features

With the PlayStation 4 now out, discussed, shown and priced, it’s time to see what the system can really do. Well, we can be shown what the system can do in a pre-made video with actors, but it’s the thought that counts!

The leaked video comes from YouTube user ArekkzG (unknown how this person go it) and the video shows a player signing into his PlayStation 4, playing Knack, watching a Knack-related video his friend uploaded and eventually teaming up with another friend to play through some Killzone: ShadowFall. In between all that, in-game messages, downloading games and swapping between apps are featured. It all looks pretty smooth but, again, pre-made video with actors and editing. Check it out anyway, though; it clocks in at a little over three minutes.

{Source: IGN}

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