Lethal VR Announced, Evokes Classic Arcade Shooting Games

Alright, I pretty much just made this post to say that Lethal VR was announced by Three Fields Entertainment and Team17, but looks to offer literally nothing interesting. The trailer is above so you can take a look at it, but read on for my thoughts and what the game is about.

We’re now at the point where virtual reality has the potential to push things in new directions. This first wave of VR titles should ideally be the ones providing food for thought. Instead, Three Fields Entertainment (formerly members of Criterion) has announced that they’ve developed a shooting gallery game called Lethal VR. It will be published by Team17, who have been branching out into new territory lately, and will be inspired by early action films and arcade games. Specifically, the shooting parts.

The story seems light as players play an FBI recruit who is currently going through training. While they promise a fast-paced shooting experience, there is almost nothing else that seems to be present in the game. Even watching the trailer, I have no idea why this exists other than just to diversify Team17’s list of published titles. At least there’s a leaderboard to compare scores against other players. Assuming people will pick this up.

Remember that this is Three Fields Entertainment’s second game, following Dangerous Golf, which was not received well. Even our own review commented that the game was only really fun in short bursts due to the lack of variety. This looks like it will fall into the same trappings. However, we won’t know until it is released. Lethal VR will launch for the HTC Vive on November 8th, while the PlayStation VR version will release in Holiday 2016.

Source: Team17 Press Release

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