Life Is Strange Episode 2 comes out next week?

DONTNOD Entertainment stated on Twitter that their episodic game Life Is Strange will finally receive Episode 2: Out of Time on March 24th 2015 for all platforms.

This is interesting to find that after Episode 2 was leaked and uploaded online that the developer decided to delay it. However no reason as to the initial delay was ever given.

 Official Developer response has been since removed from the Steam forums (from what I could find anyway).

I would like to point out that Episode 1 was released on the 29th of January yet it has taken over a month for Episode 2 to even get released, personally I do appreciate when developers try out the episodic style format but nobody likes to wait over a month for another episode of a TV Show so why not stick to a schedule of 1 -2 weeks per episode?

I would love for the episodes to release more frequently, I do understand that Life Is Strange could very well be still under development but if that is the case then an Episodic format with huge wait times like The Walking Dead can make it hard to follow or cause someone to lose interest along the way… just some food for thought.

Source: Twitter post, GameReactor

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