Looking Back on the Star Wars Expanded Universe | William Jepma

“Well, this has been quite a crazy week for Star Wars fans, hasn’t it? Just a week ago Star Wars and Disney announced their plans for the future of the Star Wars Expanded Universe as we know it, which consists of every book, comic, and video-game that takes place in a galaxy far, far away, and then just a couple days later the first image of the entire main cast for Star Wars: Episode VII was officially released to the public.

That’s a lot to swallow in such a small period of time, and I’d be lying if I said that Star Wars hasn’t been the only thing on my mind almost all week. And while I could easily write a lengthy analysis of the cast photo and speculate on who everyone may or may not be be playing, I’ve decided to do something else and instead give my impressions regarding the fate of the EU…”

Read the rest of this piece and other great, nerdy content over at my personal site. And remember, the force be with you, always.


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