Lost Planet 3 Announced

Lost Planet 3 Gameplay Trailer

Capcom announced Lost Planet 3 today, which will be developed by Spark Unlimited. The title will be a prequel to 2007’s Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, returning to the frozen tundra setting of the first title. Capcom has said that there will have a focus on story and released this description of the game:

“Lost Planet 3 introduces Jim, a rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N III. Working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC) who are preparing the planet for colonization, Jim joins his fellow pioneers at the Coronis base and begins surveying the uncharted terrain and obtaining samples of the planet’s energy supply — Thermal Energy.

With NEVEC’s existing Thermal Energy reserve running low the fate of the Coronis mission depends on the natural source of the energy supply being located. Realizing that this is a great opportunity for a huge pay-off and early ticket home to his family, Jim braves the risk of the treacherous environment and threat of the indigenous Akrid. Acting as a home away from home and boasting an array of tools that can assist Jim on the field, the utility rig provides Jim’s safety and is essential for not only his contract work but also his protection against the ever-changing climate.”

The game will arrive on store shelves in Q1 of 2013. Be sure to watch the debut trailer and check out the screenshots below.

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