Maid of Sker Review

British Folklore That Is Heavily Underutilized

Why does the Maid of Sker feel like it was created by people who just learn about the horror genre yesterday? Maid of Sker came from Wales Interactive; they’ve released horror games in the past like The Infectious Mind of Doctor Dekker, The Bunker, and Don’t Knock Twice. Then I realized they didn’t develop any of those games, but merely published them. The only horror game that I could find that was developed by them is the Maid of Sker. That would explain why the Maid of Sker feels like an amateur attempt with disappointing results.

Maid of Sker is a horror game that uses British folklore for its groundwork. Set in 1898, you play as Thomas the blank face character; he’s heading to rescue his lover from a hotel consumed by madness and horror. The Sker hotel is now run by faceless and blind men. Their only drive is to hunt you down and convert you into one of their own. The only way to stop this madness is to find four-cylinders that will play a song to counteract the madness.



This review is based on review copy provided by the publisher

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The Review

Maid of Sker

4 Score

Maid of Sker feels like an amateur attempt with disappointing results with British Folklore that is severely underutilized.


  • Graphically appealing
  • Music is a good listen
  • The atmosphere nicely sets and keeps the mood.
  • The hide-and-seek formula has moments of pure tension and nerves being racked
  • Ammo and healing are very limited, so you must calculate your next moves carefully.


  • The story and character are underdeveloped, forgettable and very predictable
  • Jumpscares are way too plentiful
  • Exploration has no value to it
  • Notes and audio recordings either repeat information or doesn't off much
  • No trace of subtlety in this game
  • Game is very short
  • Enemy designs are uninspiring
  • Introduction of not Mr.X breaks the game's established rules

Review Breakdown

  • Score 4
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