Mass Effect 3 Ending “Clarity” DLC on the Way

 Electronic Arts stated earlier today that they will be releasing new DLC for Mass Effect 3 in response to the outcry from fans about the controversial ending.

Additional cinimatics and epilog cut scenes that further clarify Mass Effect 3’s ending will be released as free DlC. There has not been any mention if this new DLC will contain any additional game play. BioWare co-founder Ray Muyzka said the following:

“We are all incredibly proud of Mass Effect 3 and the work done by Casey Hudson and team. Since launch, we have had time to listen to the feedback from our most passionate fans and we are responding. With the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut we think we have struck a good balance in delivering the answers players are looking for while maintaining the team’s artistic vision for the end of this story arc in the Mass Effect universe.”

Casey Hudson, the executive producer of the Mass Effect series, further clarified: We have reprioritized our post-launch development efforts to provide the fans who want more closure with even more context and clarity to the ending of the game, in a way that will feel more personalized for each player.”

The use of the work “reprioritized” may indicate there is even more post-launch DLC coming for ME3, but the developer has shifted focus, at least for the time being, to address certain players’ anger to the game’s ending.

The free DLC expires April 12, 3014. If you have not picked up Mass Effect 3, now seems as good a time as any, especially if you want the additional ending information.

[Via Kotaku]

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