MGS4 Finally Receives PS3 Trophies

Well, somebody must still be playing Metal Gear Solid 4, because Sony has posthumously released a patch that will add trophies to the 2008 stealth/action game by Hideo Kojima and Konami.  There are some interesting trophies in there, such as being kissed by Ocelot during the final battle, and killing many enemies in one area and then vomiting. The full list of trophies can be seen here. The patch also adds the option to install the game to your hard drive if you so wish, which is about 9GB and will likely smooth out some of the loading times.  A very great game in a timeless series, but undoubtedly a little dated by modern standards, being a 4 year old game; will this new content be enough for you to return to the game?

(Via CVG)

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