New Mighty No. 9 Trailer Really Thinks It’s Awesome

Mighty No. 9‘s new trailer is out and it showcases a couple of the moves you’ll be able to do in the game when it is finally released (no really, it seems like it is actually coming out). Dash attacks, power ups and combos are the highlight of this trailer and utilizing all of those together will lead to having an amazing run through a level. Plus, you’ll probably feel really cool.

But let’s talk about this trailer for a bit, shall we? I can’t actually believe that a trailer was released like this. “Make the bad guys cry like an anime fan on prom night” is an actual line from this trailer, and is the kind of thing you’d only expect to see back in the early 2000s when everything needed to be “edgy”. To be fair though, this isn’t too far out of left field from what a game like this is probably going for, especially since it does seem like it wants to be a bit more “in your face” about everything.

I will reserve my judgement for when Mighty No. 9 comes out on June 21, 2016 for pretty much every platform under the sun.

Source: Deep Silver YouTube

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